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A comics style one minute animation about a trauma for a lifetime

Memories of bad experiences can come back in crucial moments and it may paralyze children. We wanted to explain this phenomenon using a video style similar to that of comics and make the story as powerful as a feature film. The client if this project was SOS Children’s Villages Hungary

How to break out of poverty

Orban Olah is from a small village of Hungary. His parents has been living in deep poverty in all their lives. Most of the people there got used to this situation which offered them no way out. But Orban is an exemption. His success story is about education. For example, learning basic financial skills like keeping expenses and income in balance. This is where the Erste Financial Education programe comes in. We did a six minute video about this story. 

Play Video about Orban Olah, participant of the Erste Finanical Education Program


Children living in foster homes participated in a special training to learn to trust others. Commissioned by Generali, we created a short video about it which is based on music. I focused not only on the journey these children had during the course but the positive energy all of us felt there, children and trainers and even the video crew. [This video is in Hungarian] 

Children in wheelchair start dancing

United Way Hungary asked us to create a short and easy to watch video about a difficult topic. It was about the training for children with reduced mobility. They enjoyed the training day and learned basic skills about how to start a business. We created something which is almost like a music video, and during the shooting I dared to suggest the children to participate in a little dance scene… [This video is in Hungarian]

Play Video about A person with reduced mobility at the Innomate training
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food citizens

In animated videos we love to make complicated stories easy to understand. The Association of Conscious Consumers wanted us to explain that our choices can have great effects globally. [This video is in English.]

Santa Claus Coca-Cola

Just before the time Santa Claus was expected to come in 2021 we proposed an idea of a one minute Instagram video to our client, the Hungarian Green Party LMP.  In this video we explained what it exactly means that Coca Cola gained tax exemption from the Hungarian Government and that in the meantime the company has a high profile in plastic pollution.  In the video, Santa goes around the city and grabs money from each house. [This video is in Hungarian]

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fundraiser for the poorest children

One of our favorite job in 2021 was a fundraiser video for a summer camp for orphan children. Our client, The Academy of Experience expected us to come up with a low budget plan. We decided that this video will feature the enthusiasm of this nonprofit team. They were really motivated to give their best to children. [This video is in Hungarian]

super heroes in a roma settlement

This is like a miracle. Young people who have grown up in poor Roma settlements wanted to do something to help others in similar situations. In our fundraiser video [with English subs] we wanted to highlight that these youngsters are actually superheroes. In order to attract young viewers we used visual elements from comics. 

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How to ride the bike safely
in downtown traffic?

There has been long years of struggle between the NGO Hungarian Cyclists’ Club and various local authorities which led to bicycle friendly city reforms across Budapest. To make bicycles more accepted in weekdays traffic we had to create a series about how to ride a bike safely in downtown areas. In this teaser, our main ambition was to show the audience that we can get rid of our fears when starting our first ride in the city. [This video is in Hungarian]

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